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Who We Are

We are a dedicated, experienced team of highly-ranked investment professionals, with a proven track record in capturing emerging market trends.


We believe that countries develop independently according to their culture. By speaking to people on the ground and understanding their values, hopes and aspirations, we can gain genuine insights into cultural shifts which lead to future patterns of demand. These insights serve as potent cues as to when and where sustainable growth will arise.

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Our Purpose

Identify and invest in EM domestic consumption trends using ethnographic research to understand consumers’ lives  


Collaborate with company managements to overcome behavioural biases by seeing the world through consumers’ eyes

Transform the way investors 
understand and act across
emerging markets by sharing Insights 


Trinetra Investment Management LLP
7 Stratford Place
London  W1C 1AY


+44 20 3908 8900


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© 2025 - Trinetra Investment Management
Trinetra Investment Management LLP is incorporated in England and Wales under company number OC415873 with registered address at
7 Stratford Place London W1C 1AY and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Firm reference number: 772919).

Trinetra Investment Management is a Registered Investment Adviser with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.  

The information displayed on this website is for eligible counterparties and professional clients only, and is not for retail clients.  The services described may not be available to you, or suitable for you. Nothing on this website or in any of the documents linked hereto constitutes investment advice, nor does it represent any offer to provide services to buy or sell securities of any kind.      Click to see our Privacy Notice.

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