Please note - this trust is for Australian wholesale investors only.
Trinetra Emerging Markets Growth Trust (the Fund) is a registered managed investment scheme under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), with ASRN 629 674 040.
The Fund is a feeder fund, meaning that it will invest all or substantially all of its assets in the Trinetra Emerging Markets Growth Fund, a sub-fund of Trinetra UCITS ICAV (the Underlying Fund).
The Trinetra Emerging Markets Growth Trust aims to deliver strong, risk adjusted returns by anticipating EM social and environmental themes ahead of the market through deep ethnographic research.
The Fund invests in the Underlying Fund, which invests on a long-only basis and has an investment horizon of five years.
We use on-the-ground ethnographic research in Emerging Markets to anticipate trends. We construct a total return equity portfolio on a 5-year rolling basis, with the aim of exposing clients to the lowest possible risk by maximising risk-adjusted returns. We define ethnographic research as qualitative research techniques focused on observing the activities of consumers.
This technique involves spending time with consumers in their own environment (e.g., their homes or places of work) in order to understand their lives and the issues they face, for example how they access finance, healthcare and education, and what drives their consumption decisions.
We aim to observe a cross section of consumers from different socio-economic groups, different ages, both rural and urban, to get a representative sample of society which helps us form a view as to the general direction of socio-economic change. This research attempts to identify behaviours and patterns that indicate growth trends that may be overlooked by traditional research.
Equity long-only fund investing in global Emerging Markets
Benchmark agnostic
Bottom-up, in-depth, qualitative ethnographic research
Disciplined buy-and-sell strategy based on expected risk-adjusted returns
ESG is core and fully integrated in the investment selection process
Invests specifically in companies benefiting from growth in domestic consumption
Fund Documents ​
- Product Disclosure Statement
- Reference Guide
- Application Form
- Additional Investment Form
- Withdrawal Form
- Latest Monthly Fund Update
- Fact Sheet
- Unit Prices
- Latest Quarterly Fund Update
Fund Facts
Responsible Entity
Investment Manager
Please note - this information is for the use of Australian investors only.
Trinetra Emerging Markets Growth Trust (the Fund) is a registered managed investment scheme under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), with ASRN 629 674 040.
The Fund is a feeder fund, meaning that it will invest all or substantially all of its assets in the Trinetra Emerging Markets Growth Fund, a sub-fund of Trinetra UCITS ICAV (the Underlying Fund).
The Trinetra Emerging Markets Growth Trust aims to deliver strong, risk adjusted returns by anticipating emerging markets social and environmental themes before other investors through deep ethnographic research.
The Fund invests in the Underlying Fund, which invests on a long-only basis and has an investment horizon of five years.
We use on-the-ground ethnographic research in Emerging Markets to anticipate trends. We construct a total return equity portfolio on a 5-year rolling basis, with the aim of exposing clients to the lowest possible risk by maximising risk-adjusted returns. We define ethnographic research as qualitative research techniques focused on observing the activities of consumers.
This technique involves spending time with consumers in their own environment (e.g., their homes or places of work) in order to understand their lives and the issues they face, for example how they access finance, healthcare and education, and what drives their consumption decisions.
We aim to observe a cross section of consumers from different socio-economic groups, different ages, both rural and urban, to get a representative sample of society which helps us form a view as to the general direction of socio-economic change. This research attempts to identify behaviours and patterns that indicate growth trends that may be overlooked by traditional research.
This Fund is appropriate for investors with "Very High" risk and return profiles. A suitable investor for this Fund is prepared to accept high risk in the pursuit of capital growth with a medium to long investment timeframe. Investors should refer to the Target Market Determination (TMD) for further information.
Equity long-only fund investing in global Emerging Markets
Benchmark agnostic
Bottom-up, in-depth, qualitative ethnographic research
Disciplined buy-and-sell strategy based on expected risk-adjusted returns
ESG is core and fully integrated in the investment selection process
Invests specifically in companies benefiting from growth in domestic consumption
Risk Profile: Very high risk
Fund Documents ​
- Product Disclosure Statement
- Target Market Determination*
Monthly Fund Updates​
- 2025
Responsible Entity
Investment Manager
The Trust Company (RE Services ) Limited
The Trust Company (RE Services ) Limited
Mainstream Fund Services Pty Limited
Trinetra Investment Management LLP
629 674 040
From the 5th October 2021 the Responsible Entity is updating the complaints management procedure described in the Product Disclosure Document (“PDS”). The change is required to reflect that the Responsible Entity will now endeavour to respond to complaints within 30 days rather than 45 days. The Product Disclosure Document will be updated to reflect the new complaints procedures when the Responsible Entity next changes the PDS. Please refer to the below for the updated complaints wording.
The Responsible Entity has established procedures for dealing with complaints. If an investor has a complaint, they can contact the Responsible Entity and/or the Investment Manager during business hours, using contact details provided in the PDS.
We will endeavour to resolve your complaint fairly and as quickly as we can. We will respond to your complaint within the maximum response timeframe of 30 days. If we are unable to respond within the maximum response time because we have not had a reasonable opportunity to do so, we will write to you to let you know of the delay.
All investors (regardless of whether you hold Units in the Fund directly or hold Units indirectly via a Platform) can access the Responsible Entity’s complaints procedures outlined above. If investing via a Platform and your complaint concerns the operation of the Platform then you should contact the Platform operator directly.
If an investor is not satisfied with the final complaint outcome proposed, any aspect of the complaints handling process or a delay in responding by the maximum response time, the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) may be able to assist. AFCA operates the external complaints resolution scheme of which the Responsible Entity is a member. If you seek assistance from AFCA, their services are provided at no cost to you.
You can contact AFCA on 1800 931 678, or by writing to:
Australian Financial Complaints Authority
GPO Box 3
Melbourne VIC 3001
A Product Disclosure Document (PDS) issued by TTCRESL dated 14 November 2018 is available for the Fund. You should obtain and consider the PDS and the Target Market Determination (TMD) for the Fund before deciding whether to acquire, or continue to hold, an interest in the Fund.
Following recent amendments to the Corporations Act, where you have provided us with your email address, we will now send notices of meetings, other meeting-related documents and annual financial reports (each a “Communication”) to you electronically unless you elect to receive these in physical form and notify us of this election.
You have the right to elect whether to receive some or all of these Communications in electronic or physical form and the right to elect not to receive annual financial reports at all. You also have the right to elect to receive a single specified Communication on an ad hoc basis, in an electronic or physical form.
​* The Target Market Determination, as well as prior versions, is available free of charge and can be obtained by contacting us on
The Trust Company (RE Services) Ltd, ABN 45 003 278 831 AFSL 235150 (Responsible Entity) is the Responsible Entity for the Trinetra Emerging Markets Growth Trust ARSN 629 674 040 (Fund). Trinetra Investment Management LLP (Manager) acts as the Investment Manager for the Fund.
This notice is issued to update information in the product disclosure statement and to inform you that effective from 1 November 2023:
The board composition of the Responsible Entity will consist of a majority of external directors. As a result, the Responsible Entity will not be required to have a separate Compliance Committee; and
The Compliance Committee is dissolved.
All references in the Fund’s current Product Disclosure Statement (including any statements incorporated by reference) (PDS) to the Responsible Entity’s Compliance Committee are removed from the PDS.
This notice should be read in conjunction with the PDS which is available on the Manager’s website. A copy of this notice and the PDS is available free of charge, upon request.
The information on this website relating to Trinetra Emerging Markets Growth Trust ARSN 629 674 040 (the Fund) has been prepared by Trinetra Investment Management LLP (“Trinetra”) and issued by The Trust Company (RE Services) Limited ABN 45 003 278 831, AFSL 235150 (TTCRESL) as responsible entity of, and issuer of units in the Fund.
It is general information only and is not intended to provide you with financial advice, and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider the product disclosure statement (PDS), prior to making any investment decisions.
The PDS and target market determination (TMD) can be obtained for free by visiting website
If you require financial advice that takes into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs, you should consult your licensed or authorised financial adviser. This information is only as current as the date indicated, and may be superseded by subsequent market events or for other reasons. To the extent permitted by law, no liability is accepted for any loss or damage as a result of any reliance on this information. All investments contain risk and may lose value.
No company in the Perpetual Group (Perpetual Limited ABN 86 000 431 827 and its subsidiaries) guarantees the performance of any fund or the return of an investor’s capital. No company in the Perpetual Group (Perpetual Limited ABN 86 000 431 827 and its subsidiaries) gives any representation or warranty as to the reliability or accuracy of the information contained in this website.
IF PERFORMANCE FIGURES ARE INCLUDED: Total returns shown for the fund have been calculated using exit prices after taking into account all of Perpetual’s ongoing fees and assuming reinvestment of distributions. No allowance has been made for taxation. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.